Animated CSS3 photo stack is use all kinds of fancy effects to transition between a set of images. The effects are implemented purely using CSS3, which means that they run smoothly on modern browsers and mobile devices. We will also make the photo stack advance automatically, so you can use it as a slideshow.

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Read more: Animated CSS3 Photo Stack

Parent Category: Images | Gallery
Category: jQuery

Threesixty-slider is a jQuery 360 image slider plugin.

The plugin is full customizable with number of options provided. The plugin have the power to display images in any angle 360 degrees. This feature can be used successfully in many use cases e.g. on an e-commerce site to help customers look products in detail, from any angle they desire.

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Read more: Threesixty-slider

Parent Category: Slider | Tabs | Menu
Category: jQuery

To transform a table of data into a chart, simply create a MilkChart object of the chart type you wish passing in the table id and an object containing options for the chart.

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Read more: MilkChart

Category: Others

The most famouse mootools tree for web applications.


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Read more: Mif Tree

Category: Others

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Animated CSS3 Photo Stack

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